June 23, 2016
It’s officially here – summer; sweet, sweet summer. The long, warm days combine with sunny disposition to create a season that can’t fully be explained but just has to be experienced. There’s something else the summer brings -especially here in Michigan- and that’s construction. We are all very aware of the road construction projects which just happen to coincide with our otherwise cheer-filled season. Summer trips near and far can quickly come to a literal halt due to this busy time of pavement improvements. And while roadways are not in our construction portfolio, we sure are busy this summer working on projects of our own. Fortunately, you won’t find any of our projects slowing things to a halt. Our skilled leaders are masters at planning, taking care of all the coordination and scheduling that keep projects moving forward. Let Bren-Mar keep things rolling on your next project, handling all the hard work, so that you can enjoy that carefree experience of summertime, anytime of the year.